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You won’t change because the year changed. You’ll change because you adapt new behaviors.


So, if you didn’t build a body you can be proud of in 2019? Here are 7 behaviors you need to adapt if you want to succeed in 2020:


1) Hang out with at least one man who has a better body than you


The old adage “You’re the sum total of the 5 people you spend clenbuterol uk the most time with” holds true even when talking about your body.


You see, physique improvements don’t start with your diet and training. They start with your environment.


So, your first task for 2020 is to find a guy with a better body than you and spend time with him. You don’t have to chat regularly. Nor you have to become his bestie. But you want to have some kind of communication with him.


This behavior is the closest you’ll ever get to a physique “hack”. Why? Because just having around a guy with a better body, will force your subconscious mind to make better training and eating choices.


I understand if you’re skeptical. But it’s one of those behaviors you first try and then become a believer.


2) Train at least 3 days per week


If you can’t, pick a different goal for 2020.


In my experience with hundreds of clients, people who can only train 2/week never improve their physiques. In most cases, they end up training only once per week. And even if they do train twice and improve their bodies, is because they were newbies and everything would have worked.


But if you’ve trained on and off throughout the years, your body won’t be as forgiving. Two is OK for maintaining but won’t build you muscle mass at a decent rate.


If you can’t invest so many days? You’ve made terrible life choices, you’re probably a slave in a free world, and I doubt you’ll improve your body until you re-organize your priorities.


3) Train each muscle 2-3 times per week


Training a muscle once per week is good for the genetically elite or steroid users. The rest of us (and especially guys over 35) need more frequency. Many training splits are helpful here.


You can do whole body.


You can do upper/lower.


You can do push/pull/legs.


No matter what banana split you choose, make sure it trains each body part at least twice per week. Anything less, won’t make you strong and won’t build muscle.


4) Follow a training program you like


Back in 2012, my training sessions started with 5 sets of barbell squats, for 5 reps. But, before going to the gym, I was dreading the squats. You see, each day I was on my feet for 8+ hours and felt exhausted. So, I came up with all kinds of excuses to skip training.


When you dread or even hate parts of your workout, your training intensity is low. You don’t push yourself. And you won’t enjoy the results you deserve.
